Wednesday, February 25, 2009


Between 1998 and 2001 I spent a lot of my school holidays with my aunty (RIP) who was then living here in Kampala. My little cousin then, Marion (Not real name) was so fond of me and I loved her very much. We would go to church together and I would accompany her to her Sunday school classes every sunday. We would also visit children’s recreation centers and play all sorts of games that we could. She liked train ride. We shared a lot of stories in the evenings as we would most times sit outside the veranda instead of watching TV.

Unfortunately both Marion’s parents died of HIV/AIDS in 2001, the Dad first in September then the Mum in December leaving her under the care of her grand mother. During my college holidays I still made sure I visited her and even spent some nights together so that we would continue with our stories. We would on several occasssions sit outside and start counting the stars as we told our stories and giggled and laughed with each other. It was such a pleasure to be with Marion always, she was such a bright little and interesting girl. In 2002 she was 9 years old. I remember one of the evenings in January before I went back to college when she engaged me in this discussion;

“Aunty Lucy! That is the way she used to refer to me. How does heaven look like?”

“It is very beautiful and there are many good things there more than where we have been. Everybody is happy in heaven because they are with God” I replied smiling.

“Do you think heaven is as beautiful as Diddies world (One of the children’s recreation Centers in Kampala)?”

“Well, I don’t know whether heaven looks like Diddies World, but I know that in heaven you are much happier than you are here, Can you Imagine?” I asked

“How many times happy? Ten Times?” She insisted inquisitively. “No. More than that” I replied. “Hundred Times?” I shook my head, still smiling. “A thousand times?” she asked. Then I asked her “What is the largest number in the whole world that you know?

She looked at me and told me “It’s a million aunty!”
“In heaven, you are happier than a million times” I replied.

Wow! She was amazed. “Aunty! Do you think that mummy and daddy are in heaven?”
“Yes Marion. I am sure they are very happy in heaven. More than a million times happy”

“But why did they have to die! Why did God take them away?” She desperately asked.

“You see Marion, God loves all people and sometimes He decides to call some people to Him. I don’t know why He calls some people and leave others. I think it is because He wants those who remain behind also to be happy. Now we are happy, you and I together, right?” I said as I held her close to my heart.

She nodded. Then I continued, “And you know what? You can still talk to your mummy and daddy even though they are in heaven, ok? Just like you talk to God. You don’t have to be lonely, just talk to them and they will hear you. I know you miss them so much”

She nodded and even held me tighter. “Thank you Aunty! Will I stay with you when you finish you studies and get a job?”

“Yes Marion. You and I will always be together and go to beautiful places again and to the most beautiful place in the world when God gives me money, ok?” I said.

Unfortunately my little friend didn’t live to see her dreams as she died 4 months after our discussion, before I could even complete my college. She too had the disease. Now I miss her a lot because I know that we would be sharing ideas on other children together but I believe she hears me too, just like I told her.


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